Self Acceptance: Why accepting is the first step to understanding

The quicker you accept certain things in your life, instead of ignoring them. The faster you'll be able to do what you need to do, in order to successfully overcome the obstacles standing in your way. When it comes to mental health issues especially, when you ignore the little things that you consider annoying or stressful. What you are actually doing is making your life harder and making treatment that much more complex. Due to instead of just dealing with the original problem, your also dealing with the things caused when you didn't deal with the original problem. 

Self acceptance isn't saying I give up, what's it's saying is.  I understand my situation and medical condition. Now I need to figure out how to deal with it in a productive healthy way. Through understanding and patience and looking at all the different ways it affects me,with the assistance of qualified medical professionals When it comes down to it, the better you understand yourself the better you'll be able to get the proper medical or psychological support, and communicate those issues. Then not only will you understand yourself better, but your doctor or therapist, will be able to diagnose a lot more accurately. 

What doesn't help is 
  • Refusing to take medication, based on your own opinions 
  • Refusing to listen to medical professionals, thinking that they just want to pump you full drugs 
  • Refusing to admit that you have a mental health issue 
  • Refusing to deal with issues, instead avoiding them, or dealing with them in a self destructive manner
Admitting there's an issue, is the first step to doing something in order to effectively deal with the issue.  When you ignore a certain part of your treatment, that can impact and interfere with all the other aspects of your treatment and life. It's also taking ownership of your life, and the things in your life that can either benefit you or hold you back. 


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