The Frustrations of friends and family and Living with a Mental Health Issue

One thing I've noticed, as a person with ADHD and even though I have a Psychology Degree. People tend to notice your illness and the things that go along with it, and disregard your actual education. Having ADHD, I think that is one of my biggest pet peeves. How people tend to only understand you on a surface level. Some days it's more annoying  than others, but really when it comes to it there's a few things that I keep in mind.
  • Another person's ignorance and lack of understanding, comes from there inability to understand. Which is a flaw on their part, not on your
  • When it comes to treatment and general all around well-being, when friends or family relationships become toxic. Leave those relationships where they belong, in the past. 
  • You are only in control of your emotions, and developing a strong sense of self awareness and educating yourself. Makes you stronger and more confident in understanding mental health issues and how to make healthier choices
  • Your also in control of how you react, do your best to not let other people's ignorance and lack of understanding and education. Have control over your life, and you decide to live with it. 
  • Know when to walk away, because honestly some people just aren't worth the effort
  • Try to remember that you are more than your diagnosis. 
There’s plenty of other things, but always make sure you do what is best for you, sometimes that means travelling a long hard road alone. Which does not make your fight any less important,as long as you don't give up.

When a person can't see past their own negative, and narrow minded preconceived notions,that's their weakness, it isn't yours. Focus on what helps you, not on what takes away from who you are.  


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