
Showing posts from November, 2017

Understanding Addiction

One major thing which people rarely take into consideration when it comes to the topic of addiction. Is the reasons behind what caused the addiction in the first place. Instead they see the results of a broken person, and the things that lead them down the road they took. They look at addicts as if they are almost less than them. Society needs to look at the problem of addiction for what actually it is. Instead of simply making judgments about it  such as, addicts are weak or selfish.  We need to start seeing addiction and the underlying causes of addiction for what they are. Then take the proper steps needed in order to overcome the problem, so that a person can suffering from addiction, has a better opportunity to make a better life for themselves. Here is a few simple facts about addiction, that many people either get wrong or refuse to take into consideration. With people who struggle everyday of their lives with addiction. By understanding these few simple things, you h...

Why Medication is Only Half the Battle

With mental health issues, medication is only a portion of the treatment. There's also relationships, listening to the proper advice, understanding yourself. In combination with medication, health issues and having a good well-being, is about balance Link:

Why having a Mental Health or Medical Condition Does Not Necessarily Make You An Expert

A huge misconception many people have a tendency to make, is having a mental health issue makes you equally as knowledgeable as a doctor or therapist. Here are a few basic reasons, why it doesn't make you as knowledgeable as a doctor or therapist. * Having a mental health issue can help you to understand others, but not everyone goes through stuff the same way. In other words, there's healthy and unhealthy ways to deal with things. * Does having your wisdom teeth out make you a dentist? No, it doesn't, just like having a mental health issue doesn't make you a therapist * People who simply see things from their own personal perspective, have a tendency to bases their opinions on stereotypes and biased opinions. In conclusion, most people who think they have a total understanding of something, but do not, have a very Dunning-Kruger type of understanding of the topic. Which is why they are in no way, shape or form as qualified as a qualified medical professional. Unl...

When Stigma Starts at Home

The sad truth is that not all parents, whether they realize it or not. Don't always have their child's best interest at heart. When it comes mental health issues, this can be especially damaging,and can have serious long-term effects developmentally  Please read and share, the attached article