Why having a Mental Health or Medical Condition Does Not Necessarily Make You An Expert

A huge misconception many people have a tendency to make, is having a mental health issue makes you equally as knowledgeable as a doctor or therapist.

Here are a few basic reasons, why it doesn't make you as knowledgeable as a doctor or therapist.

* Having a mental health issue can help you to understand others, but not everyone goes through stuff the same way. In other words, there's healthy and unhealthy ways to deal with things.

* Does having your wisdom teeth out make you a dentist? No, it doesn't, just like having a mental health issue doesn't make you a therapist

* People who simply see things from their own personal perspective, have a tendency to bases their opinions on stereotypes and biased opinions.

In conclusion, most people who think they have a total understanding of something, but do not, have a very Dunning-Kruger type of understanding of the topic. Which is why they are in no way, shape or form as qualified as a qualified medical professional.

Unless someone has the education, experience and qualifications they are not nearly qualified and educated enough to understand proper tools and coping mechanisms and the Medical/Pharmaceutical/Therapeutic interventions that are there for absolutely no other reason than to help you.





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