
Showing posts from September, 2017

Being Resilient: It's not about going through something, it's more about how you go through it

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ― Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa Let's talk about resilience using a quote from one of my favourite movies Rocky. What makes you resilient, is going through something in a positive way. While learning from it there is proper ways in life to deal with things and there's also bad ways. Instead of using it as an excuse for lashing out at the world.  When people don't have the proper self awareness, and don't take ownership of their own lack of progress. Especially when they do absolutely nothing bes...

Why Simplifying Our Lives Shouldn't be so Complicated

In today’s world we have a tendency to let things such as social media, advertising, and other outside influences affect our lives. Sometimes we let it affect us a little bit more than we realize which causes us to be constantly overstimulated.  Due to being bombarded by so many things at once, sometimes it's good to get back to our inner core. To understand who we truly are and what we stand for. Getting back to who we are doesn't have to involve giving up life's good thing. To  me it's more about understanding what's important to you, in order to effectively live a healthy well-balanced life. While not letting unnecessary external factors influence you, from who you are. Look at your life, and the things in it that are beneficial for you and the things that are not What's the best way to eliminate the negative nonessential things, that hold you back in your life These two simple things, can be very difficult to accept, understand and apply to your ...

The Frustrations of friends and family and Living with a Mental Health Issue

One thing I've noticed, as a person with ADHD and even though I have a Psychology Degree. People tend to notice your illness and the things that go along with it, and disregard your actual education. Having ADHD, I think that is one of my biggest pet peeves. How people tend to only understand you on a surface level. Some days it's more annoying  than others, but really when it comes to it there's a few things that I keep in mind. Another person's ignorance and lack of understanding, comes from there inability to understand. Which is a flaw on their part, not on your When it comes to treatment and general all around well-being, when friends or family relationships become toxic. Leave those relationships where they belong, in the past.  You are only in control of your emotions, and developing a strong sense of self awareness and educating yourself. Makes you stronger and more confident in understanding mental health issues and how to make healthier choices Yo...

Self Stigma: Why We Shouldn't Feel Bad About Our Treatment

One major issue which people rarely consider, is how the stigma of others adds to self stigma and makes treatment that much more difficult for people. Who already have a lot on their plate to deal with, and creates more issues for them to overcome.  What can lead to this you ask? The answer isn't as simple as one may think! Wherever stigma comes from. It has the same negative impact on a person,  who wants absolutely nothing else than to feel better, and have a happy healthy life.   Which let's be honest, is unfair to them, I know first hand what self stigma feels like. Even though I have an education. The stigma I've experienced, with people finding out that I have ADHD still sometimes dominates my life. What stigma  does is cause the person who has a valid medical condition, to see it as a weakness. Instead of seeing it for what it actually is, a valid medical condition. In doing so they either stop treatment all together, or self medicate, and instead of fixin...

Understanding the Role of the Media and Confirmation Bias

How many memes, documentaries and other forms of media are out there, that discredits just how serious mental health truly is? Look on Facebook and social media in general, the comments bashing mental health issues are more well received than the ones sticking up for it.  Considering the fact that most documentaries are based on either outdated information, or one sided biased information. They don’t do this in order to help, they do this for ratings! In conclusion, don't let television control your self image, when people report on mental health issues. Usually they don't show the entire picture, instead they show a one sided biased view. In order to create a confirmation bias, because they're more worried about their ratings than properly informing others. Also remember that, when you see social media comments discrediting mental health. 

When You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

I usually publish most of my posts through, but because this post is going to be brief. I decided just to do a small post for it, regarding when you add to your problems. As we all know sometimes life sucks let's be honest, and there's nothing we can do with stop bad things from constantly happening throughout our lives. Whether it's mental health issues or some negative habit that you just cannot quit, for more than a short period of time. We need to look at, what we are repeatedly doing in order to stop ourselves from getting to where we want to be. I'm not saying that everything in your life is your fault. What we are responsible for you ask?  We're responsible for how we respond and what we do to either, make our situation better or worse. Like Aristotle said: "We are what we repeatedly do." I'm going to add an additional update to Aristotle's quote, we are also what we repeatedly think and perceive about ourselves, and ...

When to listen and when to ignore advice

Tell me this, would you listen to someone that said I just watched this YouTube video on dental  surgery, you don't need to see the dentist. I can take out those wisdom teeth, because they only want your money. Hopefully you wouldn't, the same rule applies for mental health issues! Without the proper training and experience,  you can honestly potentially kill a person by not having the proper skills to treat and diagnose a person  Unsolicited advice, does more harmful than it does good, and comes from opinions and not actual facts.  In today's world, everyone is a so called expert in health care and nutrition. Really a more exact way to say that is, everyone thinks they are an expert.  I have a psychology degree and ADHD, I'm also a former 911 operator and I have a diploma in Human Services. Yet there is tons of information about myself and others that I'm not aware of. It's not that I don't have the resources to get it, it's more a fact that no one k...

Self Acceptance: Why accepting is the first step to understanding

The quicker you accept certain things in your life, instead of ignoring them. The faster you'll be able to do what you need to do, in order to successfully overcome the obstacles standing in your way. When it comes to mental health issues especially, when you ignore the little things that you consider annoying or stressful. What you are actually doing is making your life harder and making treatment that much more complex. Due to instead of just dealing with the original problem, your also dealing with the things caused when you didn't deal with the original problem.  Self acceptance isn't saying I give up, what's it's saying is.  I understand my situation and medical condition. Now I need to figure out how to deal with it in a productive healthy way. Through understanding and patience and looking at all the different ways it affects me,with the assistance of qualified medical professionals When it comes down to it, the better you understand yourself the better yo...

Self Awareness: Why It's important and how to get it

Self Awareness is defined as "having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self Awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment." I'm a firm believer, in people playing a role in their own treatment, one of the things that gives you an upper hand is self awareness. How does it help you ask, by understanding your strengths and weaknesses, it shows you what you need to work on and you can most effectively work on it. With self awareness, here is a quote from an article I wrote a few months ago "Taking a look at the following questions and really thinking long and hard about what your answer is and for the questions you negatively answer or don't have an answer for, ask yourself why. What are my strengths? What are my long-term and also short-term goals? What do I want to change? What are my weakness and ...

Why everyone honestly isn't a little ADD

How many people hear things such as, I know what having depression is like I have bad days also, or everyone is a little ADHD. I think what irritates me the most about these types of statements, is that they actually take away from the seriousness of mental health issues. Mental Illness is in no way, shape or form, the same as having a bad day, being sad or having a lack of focus. This issue here is just another factor that leads to stigma. Within our society. It's almost like comparing the death of a close friend like, to your pet goldfish. Granted that they have a sense of loss, but they are not the same amount in the same way. When people make a comparison it's usually due to their lack of understanding, and not being able to differ between external causes of things and biological causes of things. Even though both can be harmful in their own way. “When someone has a valid medical condition, as a society, we should not be doing things that make people feel small or unimport...

When the biggest obstacle in getting the treatment you need, is your family

This issue is kind of close to me, coming from an abusive family, where they would not only treat me like I was beneath them. But also  when I stuck up for myself I'd be physically and emotionally abused, and treated as if I was the bad person. Family can be as toxic as cancer, when family members stop you from getting the help that you need. It's difficult, especially when you are younger to overcome it.  They condition you to see getting help and the things that go along with having a mental health issue, as being your fault. Instead of being the fault of having a valid medical condition, which impacts every single aspect of a person's life.  Thankfully  I learned to disregard their toxic petty remarks, regarding the difficulties of having ADHD. I nstead of letting comments such as "ADHD isn't real it's just an excuse to be lazy and stupid or Adduhhh"  and so on.   What I did is focus on the following things. Instead of focusing on the harmful abus...

What Suicide Isn't: Cowardly, Weak, Selfish or a Character Defect

When people feel so small and ashamed of the fact that they have either addiction or mental health issues. Due to when they try communicating with others, instead of empathy and support. They are called things such as selfish, weak, cowardly and other demeaning things.  Due to the reactions people have, cause them to be hesitant, and not get the proper medical or psychological support that they not only need, but deserve.  We need to see suicide for what it is, and what we can do to make the lives of others more livable. Instead of judging others, to the point of them being so terrified of other people's reactions that they end their lives.

Self Sabotage:When Your Biggest Obstacle is Getting in your Own Way

Like Aristotle said: "We are what we repeatedly do."  I'm going to add an additional update to Aristotle's quote, we are also what we repeatedly think and perceive about ourselves, and what we let into our lives and how we let it into our lives In the following article, I discuss the things that we do that make our lives either easier or harder. How we relate to ourselves, is just as important if not more important than how we relate to everything around us. This is because, the way that we relate to the world around us starts with us, and how we see ourselves. When it comes to making changes, sometimes you have to realize that it's going to be tough. When making a decision to change, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, instead figure out what to do. In order to make those changes, and learn to cope and adapt, so those small life changes turn into giant leaps. In the long run, toughing it out in order to effectively eliminate those problems. Will make y...

Taking the Toxic Out of Relationships

People are bad at relationships, let's be honest! They hold on to toxic relationships, whether it's a family member, work acquaintance, romantic relationship or friendship or any other type of relationship.   Toxic people hold us back, and make us feel as if we're the ones who are at fault. When in actuality we're not.  Regardless of the type of relationship that it is, there's a few key things to keep in mind. When you are deciding whether or not that relationship works for you, that you should ask yourself.  Is the relationship one sided?   Does the relationship, bring you more stress and grief than positive things?  Is the person there for you, when you need them?  Are they jealous of your success?  Is the relationship give and take, or do they just take?  Do they respect your boundaries?  These are important questions, because they determine the person's intentions and how much they value the actual relationship.  Al...

Understanding the "Self Proclaimed Expert" Mentality

The self proclaimed expert mindset, comes from having a poor self awareness and poor self acceptance, regarding their own ability to understand something. Instead of looking at the actual facts, they see it through, opinions or half truths based on stereotypes. Especially in in the healthcare industry, how many people hear things such as, I was watching this YouTube video about "big pharma" mental health issues are made up. Or fad diets that exploit actual issues, such as celiac disease, and sell over priced gluten free products. That really has no additional benefits, other than for the person selling it to you. The best way to deal with this is to focus on facts, getting stressed out over a know it all. Is like getting stressed out about a person who tells you 1+1=3 not 2, even though that's a simplistic way to look at I. It still makes the same point. Which is why in today's world learning the actual facts, is as important as ever.  


For my first post I'll introduce myself, my name is Sandy Pace,  I currently reside in Calgary Canada. The reason I decided to start doing this is pretty straightforward. In today’s world, there's so much stigma regarding mental health issues. That I decided to write about topics that people don't normally discuss, and also the small things that cause inconsistenties within our mental health treatment. In order to have a happy and healthy, well balanced approach to you and your life. Mental Health issues can be very difficult to live with, I myself have adhd and anxiety. I understand the frustrations of not being understood by people. Whether it's not being taken seriously at work, because I asked for a specific thing to have something, explained more than once and life in general can be difficult. Also having a background in psychology and mental health support, I see mental health issues from the other perspective also. Due to seeing mental health issues, from the ...