Why everyone honestly isn't a little ADD

How many people hear things such as, I know what having depression is like I have bad days also, or everyone is a little ADHD. I think what irritates me the most about these types of statements, is that they actually take away from the seriousness of mental health issues. Mental Illness is in no way, shape or form, the same as having a bad day, being sad or having a lack of focus. This issue here is just another factor that leads to stigma. Within our society. It's almost like comparing the death of a close friend like, to your pet goldfish. Granted that they have a sense of loss, but they are not the same amount in the same way.
When people make a comparison it's usually due to their lack of understanding, and not being able to differ between external causes of things and biological causes of things. Even though both can be harmful in their own way.

“When someone has a valid medical condition, as a society, we should not be doing things that make people feel small or unimportant. People honestly should not be made to feel alone when dealing with issues, they also should not be made to feel like they are weak for having to do things a certain way.

Some coping strategies for dealing with these types of people are:
  • Develop boundaries.
  • Try understanding that they honestly are not educated enough to understand your medical condition, which isn’t your fault.
  • Focus on you and develop self-care exercises.
  • Know when to walk away from a conversation or from a relationship, because if they do not respect you and your mental health treatment interventions, that’s their shortcoming, not yours.
  • Educating yourself about your health needs and how they interact with the world around you, and within yourself.”
I remember growing up with ADHD. This used to be a really bad trigger, for my anxiety. Then I started to realize that the issue wasn't with me, but with them. Eventually I just learned that walking away from certain people and conversations, was the best thing for my health and wellness. Instead of focusing on what others didn't consider to be relevant, I focused on myself. While strengthening my knowledge and coping mechanisms, so I build myself up so others can't tear me down.


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