Why Everyone Isn't a Little ADHD

Link: https://psyche.media/please-stop-saying-everyone-is-a-little-add

Let’s be honest there is way more apathy than empathy, and in a world with so much progress, we really shouldn’t let backwoods narrow minded beliefs. Have so much credibility in our world, here’s a quote from the attached article I’ve written on the way adhd affects my life.

“For me, anyway, having ADHD is like walking one step in front of a rain cloud, two steps in front of a thunderstorm [and], three steps in front of a tornado. Forgetting things, making careless errors, being confused. … these things can create havoc! The important thing I’ve learned is to accept errors as quickly as I can, remedy the situation, issue an apology as needed…. and keep moving forward. After all, the sky is clear and the sun is shining up ahead!

Having ADHD is a lot more complicated than a poor attention span, it’s more like your attention span is so great that you hear and see everything around you. To the point of focusing on the small things is next to impossible.”

Making statements such as that person is so bipolar or everyone is a little ADHD. Does absolutely nothing other than taking away from the seriousness of something that is very serious. It’s makes people who suffer every single day of their lives, feel as if there issues are nothing more than a punch line in someone’s joke. 

In conclusion we should try seeing the world around us from other people’s perspectives. While at the same time take ownership of the things that we do that directly and indirectly affects others. Especially when all we need to do is understand something instead of making it into a joke. That small little change can honestly save a person’s life. 


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