ADHD Medication the Simple Facts

As a person with ADHD and a Psychology background, one of the biggest issues in today's world is medication. Many times, people either feel medication will make their children a drug addict, or that medication fixes everything. Even though, it  has helped me tremendously and millions of others. Many people, aren't explained the realities of medication, which gives it a bad rap. Which causes people to view it in a negative context, instead of understanding the actual facts and benefits of it. 

My post isn't about the science of pharmaceutical interventions, that's what your doctor is there for,. Even though,  I have a University degree in Psychology and a diploma in Human Services. My post is more about showing you the importance of understanding medication. In order to see your treatment in a more realistic manner. 

Some tips to help you view your medication and how it affects you more effectively 

  • Practice proper prescription drug adherence, in other words take your medication properly. 
  • Understand that your medication is really helpful, but isn't a cure
  • Medication is a part of an all around treatment plan. Which includes you, behavioural aspects, psychological aspects, sensory aspects. Just to name a few! 
  • Taking a prescription drug, isn't going to make you a drug addict, just like taking a prescribed medication doesn't make you a weak person
  • Have an honest relationship with your doctor or therapist, if you are having an issue with your medication. They'll understand, and work with you until you get the proper medication,which benefits you. 
  • Don't listen to people who work in natural health food stores, they want your money and have no issue reinforcing the hesitations people have about prescribed medications. Tell me this who would you rather teach you to fly an airplane, an experienced pilot or a person who knows plays flight simulator video games?  I'm guessing the pilot, the same goes with your mental health treatment. Unless a person is a qualified medical professional, they don't have the qualifications to treat or diagnose you. Simple as that! 
  • Don't sell your medication, not only is it illegal, but by selling it you're taking away from your treatment
  • When people, badmouth you for taking care of wellbeing, treat irrelevant opinions from uneducated people, are just IRRELEVANT UNEDUCATED OPINIONS AND NOTHING MORE
  • Learn the benefits of the following things: Self Acceptance, Self Acceptance, Boundaries, Conflict Resolution Skills, educating yourself so that you can differentiate between mental health facts and mental health myths
Some advice for the parents out there
  • Don't let others make you feel like a bad person or parent, because your child has a mental health issue 
  • Be supportive, reinforce the importance of understanding and reconizing unhealthy and healthy habits and lifestyle choices. 
  • Educating yourself is as important as your child educating themselves 
  • Don't let your hesitations regarding mental health, pharmaceutical interventions and other aspects of our health care system. Interfere with your child's treatment. There's nothing wrong with being nervous about something, but there is something wrong with your own child not getting proper treatment because of your opinion 
  • Don't use the local health food worker, either dictate or interfere with the relationship between children and their qualified medical professional (which is something that a nutritionist is not) 
  • Teach your child, yes stigma is out there it's also not fair. Help them to understand so they build themselves up so others can't tear them down,and how to recognize it. 
  • Don't take advice from people without a degree in the following areas Psychology, medical such as a doctor or nurse,or pharmacology
  • I know what it's like to be brought up by parents who call you down because of having a mental health issue, and when asking about seeing a doctor being told adhd is just an excuse for being lazy and stupid. 
I'm not saying that if you don't have a University degree that you can’t be helpful to your child's treatment or your own. What I'm saying, when it comes to dealing with mental health and especially the psychological aspects of it. You need to be very careful about how you approach these issues. Psychological problems don't  just go away with time, without the proper tools and coping mechanisms in combination with medical, therapeutic and pharmaceutical interventions. There problems don't only get worse but without those things, it adds to their problems and makes them that much more complex. 

Here are some links, that I find helpful for myself and for helping others.

I highly recommend this article especially if you have hesitations having your child treated:

Also please remember, even though I do have a psychology degree and ADHD. I am not a replacement for your doctor or therapist please use my posts and ARTICLES. Are meant to be a  reference for understanding yourself and how you either relate to your treatment or your child's treatment. So you strengthen your treatment and all of the things that are included in that treatment or a loved ones treatment. 


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